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Past Events

    Spring 2019 Workshop Information

        Please join us on February 15, 2019 at the Jefferson State Community College Shelby-Hoover campus for our Spring workshop: Ideas and Best Practices for Current Issues in Postsecondary Disability Services.

          Cost to Attend

            AL AHEAD Members $25

              Non-members $50

                You may join AL AHEAD or renew your membership prior to registering for the workshop.

                  Continuing Education Credit

                    CRC continuing education credit is pending approval from the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification.

                      MCLE continuing education credit is pending approval from the Alabama State Bar.

                        Schedule and Session Descriptions

                          8:30am – 9:00am Check-in and Refreshments

                            9:00am – 9:15am Opening Remarks

                              9:15am – 10:30am Content Session

                                Determining Reasonable Accommodation, presented by Dr. Graham Sisson

                                  How are reasonable accommodations determined?  Is there a best practice for appropriately denying unreasonable accommodation requests?  Who on campus (disability services, faculty) is responsible for making these determinations?  These questions will be addressed, along with complex issues relating to accessibility of course materials and websites.  The role of the Governor’s  Office on Disability will be discussed as a resource for colleges and universities.

                                    10:30am – 10:45am Morning Break            

                                      10:45am – 12:00pm Content Session

                                        ADA Compliance: Grievance and Investigation Procedures, co-presented by Allison Solomon and Courtney Champion

                                          Are you the ADA Compliance Officer? Are you the Director of Disability Support Services? Are you both? In this presentation, staff from UAB Disability Support Services will describe an innovative approach used to address grievances received by students with disabilities. While a policy for grievance procedures existed, a formal institutional policy did not. During this presentation the Director, who is also the institution’s ADA Compliance Officer, and the ADA Investigator (a newly created position) will guide attendees through the approach to conflict resolution that has been developed and implemented at UAB.  Example procedures will be provided.

                                            12:00pm – 1:00pm Networking Lunch (boxed lunches provided)

                                              1:00pm – 2:15pm Content Session

                                                Service and Emotional Support Animals: What you Need to Know, presented by Dr. Graham Sisson

                                                  This interactive session will focus on legal requirements pertaining to access for service and emotional support animals, and the differences between them.  Common concerns and questions will be addressed, including discussion and best practices related to processing requests for access to animals on campus.

                                                    2:15pm – 2:30pm Afternoon Break                  

                                                      2:30pm – 3:45pm Content Session

                                                        Designing for Accessibility, presented by Melissa Green

                                                          From online course materials to documents and presentations, we all share some responsibility when it comes to creating accessible content.  This session provides a brief introduction to designing for accessibility, including principles of universal design, laws and standards which address accessibility of electronic information, and steps anyone can take to create accessible content.  Free resources for evaluating the accessibility of content will also be shared.

                                                            3:45pm – 4:00pm Distribution of Evaluations and CE Certificates


                                                                The workshop will be held at the Jefferson State Community College Shelby-Hoover campus, Health Science Building.

                                                                  4600 Valleydale Road Birmingham, AL 35242

                                                                    *The Health Science Building is best accessed from the Jaguar Drive entrance of the campus. There is ample parking, with accessible parking available to the left of the building. Accessible entrances are located at the front of the building and also through the side entrance near the accessible parking.

                                                                      Image of the main entrance to the Jefferson State Community College Health Science Building.


                                                                          Online registration is open through February 12, 2019. On-site registration is not offered for this event.

                                                                            You will have the option to pay electronically, or to mail your payment. You will also have the opportunity to indicate any access or dietary needs.

                                                                              REGISTRATION HAS CLOSED FOR THIS EVENT. PLEASE CHECK BACK FOR FUTURE WORKSHOP OPPORTUNITIES!
